Super vs. Bat

This movie was pretty good but could have been slightly better. It had a darker, more serious tone than a lot of superhero movies.

The movie had a lot of interesting acting choices, some I liked, and some I didn’t. Jesse Eisenberg was great as Lex Luther, and Amy Adams was good as Lois Lane. I wasn’t to crazy about Ben Affleck as Batman. He wasn’t as bad as a lot of people would have thought, but they still could have made a better choice.

The movie had great fight scenes and great graphics, but the storyline left something to be desired. The main storyline was kind of interesting but, a lot of the plot points are random and confusing, and others just require you to think about them to much.

The end is good though, and it gives you some relief. This movie was too long, it could have been about 30 minutes shorter and been fine. I also think this movie does a good job of setting up other sequels.

This movie is PG-13 and I think it’s fine for kids to see if they can handle that it’s a little sad. Overall, I give this movie three and a half out of five stars. You should see it, but it’s not an immediate must see.