Norman’s Nickels Returns
The Norman’s Nickels cart can be found at the bottom of the bottom of the main stairs during lunch of the last A day of each week.
After a two-year hiatus, Oak Park brought back Norman’s Nickels, a reward system that can be used to buy snacks at lunches. Only 2023 seniors will be able to remember the last time they were used here at OP, as the system stopped being used in 2020 due to the pandemic.
Norman’s Nickels is a system run by assistant principal Jackie Gosney and special education teacher Theresa Smith, along with the student help from Smith’s class.
“They are like a token economy,” Smith said. ‘It’s a reward for doing things that are the Oak Park way ready, responsible, and respectful.”
With a Norman’s Nickel, students can buy small rewards during specific lunch periods. It can be anything offered on the table that day. Things such as Oreos, Pringles, sodas, Rice Krispy treats and sparkling water. The items would typically cost anywhere from 25 to 50 cents.
“Everything is just one Norman’s Nickel. We don’t currently have anything that is more than one Norman’s Nickel,” Smith said. “We’re trying to keep it to 25 to 50 cents, kind of, per item.”
Norman’s Nickels are small wooden tokens that are given out to students by teachers, they can earn them by doing good deeds, helping the teacher out, or doing anything that the teacher considered to be worthy of a Norman’s Nickel.
“There’s no reason for teachers not to hand them out or give them out,” Smith said.
The Norman’s Nickels cart can be found at the bottom of the bottom of the main stairs during lunch of the last A day of each week.

Hey! I’m Brynlee, I’m 17 and I’m a senior (class of 2024). I love journalism and it’s the only classes I'm taking at Oak Park this year, I also...