How Does Music Affect You? Music can Increase Grades

As sophomore Isabella Sanchez works on assignments in class, she has her black Bluetooth headphones and listens to instrumental music. Students around her talk but she keeps her headphones in while the teacher gives instructions.

“To tune out of everybody else’s conversations,” Sanchez said.

According to the article “Your Brain on Music,” listening to music increases the production of neurons which improves memory.

While listening to music in class might sound like a bad thing, this actually activates the left and right side of the brain at the same time maximizing learning and improve memory, according to an article “The Benefits of Studying with Music” from Florida National University.

“Whenever you’re playing an instrument and you tap to keep yourself on beat it’s like I keep myself on beat when I’m doing my homework,” Sanchez said.

This doesn’t mean that all types of music are good to listen to while trying to focus. Depending on the type of person, different types of music can have the opposite effect. According to the article “Does Listening to Music Really Help You Study” it says that if you are listening to music while studying for a test, it is good to listen to the same music when taking the test. This is because it helps you remember the things you studied.

“If you listen to sad music, you’ll be sad but if you listen to happy music, you’ll be happy,” said 2021 graduate Yahya Mohamed.

This can veer your focus away from the assignment you were working on and instead make you focus more on the song you were listening to. But it all depends on the person listening to music.

Mohamed said, “I don’t really feel like the type of music you listen to plays a role in what your grade is.”