Rick and Morty Season 3 has Ended

Season 3 of Rick And Morty ended on Sunday, Oct. 3rd and all of the fans are less than thrilled, to put it nicely.


“I can’t believe it’s over and I have to wait at least a year for the next season. I’m super depressed about it.” Says Rick and Morty super fan and Sophomore Malea Biswell.


There were a few episodes in the season that were more memorable than others. A lot of R&M fans seemed to really enjoy Episode 7.


“My favorite episode was episode 7 because it showed the Citadel and it brought back Evil Morty and left A LOT of questions in the minds of the fans.” Says Biswell.


“My favorite episode was Episode 7 ‘The Ricklantis Mixup’ because it had an interesting story and it followed other characters other than our main Rick and Morty.” Says Sophomore Josh Walker.


This season was the most watched season of R&M so far, but a lot of long-time fans are criticizing the writers for taking longer than a year and a half to release Season 3 and some are saying season 3 wasn’t as good at past seasons.


“I didn’t think season 3 was as good as past seasons but I did still enjoy it and I recognized all the subtle jokes they put in the episodes and the deeper messages they put in a couple episodes.” Says Biswell.


Recently, MacDonald’s released Szechuan Sauce for only one day with an extremely limited supply after the first episode of season 3 advertised it in a pretty big way. The main character Rick had an entire minute long monologue about doing anything to get McDonald’s Szechuan Sauce. Fans were flooding McDonald’s all over America to get the sacred sauce and at some locations the police had to be called to break up the crowd.


“I think a lot of the fan base is extremely cringey and they focus too much on the memes.” says Biswell.