Schools Offer Help to Prevent Suicides

This morning, a Lee’s Summit North High School student attempted suicide in the high school. They later died at the hospital. Though it seems rare, this could happen anywhere. At Oak Park, some of the students battle anxiety and depression on a daily basis. In some cases, this can lead to thoughts of suicide. If someone is talking about wanting to die, feeling hopeless, feeling trapped or saying that they are a burden to other that is just the bare minimum of the numerous signs of suicidal thoughts.

The Northmen News plans to follow up on this topic when our resources become available. Until then you can find help at:

Be sure to know the major signs of suicidal thoughts and when to step in and help.  The following are the most common signs of suicidal thoughts:

-Talking about wanting to die or kill themselves

– Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs

– Acting anxious and behaving recklessly

-Sleeping too little or too much

– Isolating themselves

– Showing extreme signs of revenge

– Extreme Mood Swings

-Talking about having no reason to live

-Looking for a way to kill themselves


The National Suicide Prevention hotline is 1-800-273-8255