The secret to a long and happy life shared


The Northmen’s Log newsmagazine recently asked students to find out how their oldest living relative believes they lived as long as they have. (check out page 7 of the November issue). Here’s some other students with similar stories:

These grandparents have figured out the secret to living a long and happy life:

Kaitlyn Hawley-Hughes:

98 year old great grandma

“I think the secret to a long life is just staying healthy. My great-grandma has lived a pretty long life because she doesn’t just sit around all day she’s pretty healthy, active and she doesn’t eat anything with sodium. It’s pretty crazy how she’s hanging on but to this day she’s relevantly happy and healthy. You can definitely tell she’s in her 90s but she’s hanging on and has a good spirit about it. She also takes short walks which is awesome because not many people like doing that sort of stuff especially at her age.  I can’t believe I have one of the oldest relatives. That’s awesome.”


Sydnee Boswell:

96 year old grandma

“I think the secret to living so long is doing things you like and being involved in things in your older years.”

“Well my grandma eats right and she goes to church and does as much as her body will allow her.”

“I honestly think she looks her age… Maybe a little younger.”


Malaisia Durrant:

105 year old grandma

“I think the secret to living a long time is a mix of things, like being healthy, being active, eating the right things and the right amount because when you get old your body does some weird stuff and you get constipated within 2.5 seconds. And that’s something I like to call #The Struggle. But just have a healthy lifestyle. Don’t do drugs. And according to this website I was looking at, you should be social.”

“My relative uses life alert. If you slip and fall on a green bean life alert is only a button away, but when you push it you have to make sure you say “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” She also walks down her 5-feet driveway and back, I guess it makes her feel fit or whatever. She also loves her fried chicken. She likes to ‘Knit & Chill’ and be visited by family. She doesn’t do too much, she’s only 105 years young.”

“If I didn’t know her age and had to guess I would say she is 34 years old and looks like Beyoncé. #So fierce.”


Sophomore Mahlete Massa:

102 year old great grandma

“[My grandmother has lived a long life by having] a healthy diet [and including] exercise. She spends time with people whose company she enjoys to live a happier, fuller life.”


Sophomore Keely Tomlin:

98 year old great grandma

“[My grandmother has lived a long life by] staying healthy [and] staying active, she doesn’t just sit around and do nothing. In her old age she goes out and does stuff.”