‘James and the Giant Peach’ opens tonight


This year’s Theatre for a Cause production is James & the Giant Peach.

All proceeds will benefit Children’s Mercy Hospital. Tickets are $5 General Admission.

The show runs Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7:30 in the Little Theater.

The Last Replacements Improv troupe will perform their original parody 15 minutes after Friday’s performance.

If you have any paint to donate, the Oak Park theatre department is also hosting a paint drive during the show. This drive is part of a Girl Scout Gold Award Project for our very own Oak Park junior student, Anna Merkel. You will be entered for an awesome prize for donating any paint, or paint brushes for the show!

To read of a review of the show: https://northmennews.com/3497/opinion/peach-or-pit-james-and-the-giant-peach-raises-expectations/#sthash.QQNBAokQ.dpbs