Prevent your allergies with these helpful tips!

It’s allergy season. You hear it down the halls, the ragged coughing and delayed breathing. Maybe you are one of the unfortunate souls set off by just about anything and a runny nose and itchy eyes is a good day. I know first hand what its like to experience seasonal allergies and how bad they can be. With some experimentation, I found a few different home remedies that have helped me significantly as well as a few changes in lifestyle, which I have included below:


-Don’t open windows all the way or for too long of a time


-At the end of the day, rinse off with cold water, this gets pollen and other danders that stick to you throughout the day off our body and that way they will not cling to your bedding


-If you get congested like I do, try to better monitor your breathing, deep breaths not shallow ones.


  • Try warmed natural teabags over the eyes for soreness or itch



Avoid touching your face as your hands are a breeding ground for germs and this can actually get you sick…





A couple of home remedies I live by when my allergies get bad-



Green mint tea


Bring water to a boil over stove top


Mix green tea leaves or drop a green tea bag into desired amount of water


Add crushed mint leaf (not oil)



The mint is good for a scratchy throat and helps with sinuses


The green tea helps with sore muscles





A tablespoon of honey helps with a sore or scratchy throat as well as muscle soreness





A raw clove of garlic consumed by itself may not sound appetizing but it will help boost immunity, soreness of muscles, and clearing of sinus’





Like a good shower, steam helps clear sinuses, and relief muscle and headaches.