Becoming vegan for the new year – or not

I didn’t really make a New Year’s Resolution this year, I find that about halfway through the year something takes precedent over that and I forget or choose to move on. And I hate that, why on earth would you want to promise yourself empty words? So, I set a goal…

About five years ago I became a vegetarian. It wasn’t hard for me, I was that kid who ate from about two food groups and only had a select few favorites in other areas.

Now, I can’t say I have been a purist. I had two rules when it came to my lifestyle as a vegetarian. The first being, if I ever got the choice to try a new food that I might not get the chance to try again even if it’s meat. Try it. The second being that if every single part of the animal is being used then I will make an exception to try it, especially if it’s a cultural courtesy.

But vegan.

I don’t know, for some reason the word to me had a snobbish, yet appealing connotation. More commitment then vegetarianism, it would take devotion. I originally wanted to go vegan because it leads to a healthier body inside and out. (or so I thought) plus vegans save over 100 animal lives a year[1].

I attempted full on veganism last year for three months. Doing no research beforehand. It went well for the first about month and a half, but then I felt myself start to slow down. I felt tired all the time and I kept gaining, then losing weight. I figured out that what I was missing was protein and lots of it. I was used to having yogurt and cheese and milk and butter and other delicious non-vegan things in my diet.

When I tell people I cut cold turkey for three months, they just look at me in disbelief. I know that’s probably where I went wrong; I should have weaned myself off first. But I don’t think I am capable of that. I am the sort of person that does something to the best of my ability no questions asked, or not at all. Ever since my little experiment, my metabolism has decreased, I have an allergy to cow’s milk, and my bones have slowed in growing. Do I regret what I unknowingly did to myself? Simply put, yes.

I think to many people, myself included are to quick to hop on the bandwagon of health. I assumed veganism was going to make me happy and healthy; I put it on an altar and worshipped it. I know I’m not the only one.

Who knows? Maybe If I had pushed through more then three months some vegan superpowers would have been granted to me, perhaps there was a trial period. People don’t realize, that it isn’t a fad; it’s not something you do for someone else. It’s a lifestyle choice for you and it’s not for everybody.

My goal for this year is to be happy and healthy, mind and body.

[1] Don’t I sound so textbook?