New attendance policy affects grades = unfair

New attendance policy: This new policy that the NKCSD made about how you have to be at school 90% of the time is a joke in my opinion. Why should my grades suffer if I was sick for 10 days straight?

I was already miserable being sick and yet even when I come back and catch up ALL my work and get an A+, but my grades will drop because I was sick?

I’m sorry, I don’t have a personal doctor to visit all the time.

It’s not fair how we students can catch up on our work and make good grades and understand what we are learning, but our grades will drop because we had a hard day at work before and didn’t get cut until 11 p.m. and fall asleep till noon, and we just wanted to sleep in.

I feel like this district really cares about the money instead of students. I mean, yeah, maybe, there is some positive to this maybe for other students it will make them come to school more and learn better, but for me I think differently.

I feel like every year they make school harder and harder, we teens are already stressed enough, why add on more?