2016: Worst Year Ever?

This has been an overwhelming year. Popular news sources like The Washington Post, or The Source have both already dubbed it “the worst year in history”, and it may be the worst in a while whether it be terrorist attacks, David Bowie, Prince, and Alan Rickman’s deaths, the most exhausting presidential election ever, Harambe, “Brexit”, zika, hurricanes, police brutality, Aleppo’s downfall, I could go on. The world’s been getting pretty depressing, but amongst all the horror there were a few nice moments that prove that it wasn’t too bad…

-An HIV cure that’s existed for years was uncovered.

-Netflix added offline downloads (yay!)

-Many endangered animals (including tigers) populations increased dramatically

-The world record for most trees planted in a day rose to fifty million

-SpaceX learned to lower the costs on rockets, which may eventually make space travel affordable(ish) for people like us.

So all in all, this year hasn’t been absolutely dreadful. Maybe as humans we just notice the bad more. The news talks about the last outrageous thing Trump said, or horrific shooting, but it’s rare to hear that in the past year the national GDP rose by 2.5%. So despite all the craziness that’s going on in the world, things aren’t as bad as they may seem.



Langlois, Shawn. “10 good things that have happened in 2016.” MarketWatch. N.p., 2016. Web. 20 Dec. 2016.