Carson’s Poetry: What I’ve Learned
Boy Girl
Since I was young Since I was young
I was taught I was taught
“sit up straight” “Keep your elbows off the table”
“Keep your legs crossed” “Keep your pants on”
“And for the love of god, “And for the love of god,
Stop eating all the purple crayons” “Stop eating all the purple crayons”
Then when I got to middle school, I learned Then when I got to middle school, I learned
If you do too well in elementary,
People will have unrealistic expectations of you
For the rest of your life For the rest of your live
And in high school it only gets worse And in high school it only gets worse
_____________________________I can’t show an inch of skin
Because I could get distracted
And “Netflix and chill” Doesn’t mean he wants to watch a movie
College showed me things College showed me things
I never knew I never knew
You’ll want to drop out You’ll get stressed out
You’ll change your major at least three times And you’ll still question yourself
After you think you’ve settled