Peach raises $2,000 for charity
This past week kicked off the Theatre for a Cause with the play “James and The Giant Peach.”
During the day the group traveled to elementary and middle schools to perform for the kids. At night, they performed at Oak Park and hosted games like minute-to-give-it during intermission to help raise money.
All proceeds were donated to Children’s Mercy. This included ticket sales, concessions and donations. A grand total of $2,000, meeting their goal, was raised and donated. This was about $500 more than last year.
On Friday night, the cast offered a comedy night and the improv team performed an original parody; watch the parody here It was definitely a night of adventure.
Congrats to all of the actors and actresses for a well done show and supporting Children’s Mercy with a good cause.
For a review of the show, read here:
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