Senior Editors Give Advice To Future Staff Members
Q: What was the most memorable part on staff this year?
A: Senior Olivia Eissler: The most memorable part on the staff this year was story days. This is when we came up with ideas for our next issue. My co-editor and I would bring in breakfast, and it was just a fun time to share our ideas. Some story ideas were flat out crazy and funny, like when we wanted to rein-act dance photos from the first Cambia yearbook.
Senior Miranda Haidusek: The most memorable part was the late nights. Yes, these nights can be stressful and long but it’s when our staff bonded the most. J-day is defiantly for me something I will never forget too. The amount of pride I had for our staff that day was unbelievable.
Senior Samantha Belcourt: The most memorable part of staff this year was learning and growing with everyone. Getting out of my comfort zone and learning what it mans to be an editor. One memory in particular that sticks out to me is the late nights. Our staff bonded and we got a lot accomplished on these nights
Senior Aubrey Carpenter: The most memorable part of staff for me was when we went to power play and got to talk and work as a team then have a little fun at the end.
Q: What is something(s) that you will miss when you graduate?
A: Eissler: When I graduate I will miss my whole staff. I loved coming in on my magazine days and seeing everyone there. It felt like a family to me. We worked all together to create a magazine and I wouldn’t trade my staff fro anything.
Haidusek: I’m defiantly going to miss G. Through this year we editors have been through a lot with her, the good and the not so good. But never the less she has become like our school mom and our biggest supporter when the times got tough. And of course the Cambia staff. We couldn’t have done it without them and I’m going to miss our little yerd family. And last but certainly not least I’m going to miss co-editing with Sam and Aubrey. We did this together and we survived. When it got tough all we had was each other. The relationship we three have grew so much and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
Belcourt: I am really going to miss Geabhart, and I don’t have much attachment to most teachers … but seriously. From the start of high school freshman year she has been there for me for advice, to listen, everything. She has helped me as a writer and photographer. She is the reason I continued my career as a journalist and have fallen in love with it. She showed me my own potential. I am also going to miss my fellow editors and staff lots at the start of the year we were kind of alien to each other and their were lots of bumps along the way but its brought us all so much closer. The tension and stress we feel as a whole together in the end is what brought us closer. I will greatly miss all these things.
Carpenter: Something I will miss when I graduate is being able to go to all the school activities for free to take pictures. Also all the school spirit we had here at Oak Park.
Q: Any advice for next year’s editors?
A: Eissler: Some advice I would give to next year’s editor is to have fun! Yes creating a magazine is a lot of hard work and time but if you add fun into it you will enjoy it even more than before. Also to roll with the punches. There will be people who you don’t like what you produce, be the content or photos, but always believe in yourself and your staff. What your producing is something for everyone to enjoy and there will always be people who try to bring you down. Be strong!
Haidusek: Advice I have for next year editors is to not give up. This is going to be one of the hardest things you have ever done but I promise this position also has amazing benefits. You will feel a sense of pride more than you ever have before. You get to see your staff grow and turn in amazing work. You can do this, just keep going, it gets better!
Belcourt: Giving advice can be hard, but i would say one of the most important things is to keep an open mind and listen to your staff. Every single person has unique and good ideas, which can be put to good use. I think its important to not take the entire book on your shoulders as an editor, yes the designing is primarily you, and yes you are leading the staff but you should treat your staff members as equal and know they generate good ideas too. Also, be positive; authentic. We feed off one an-others energy and it is important to keep this in check; smile more often, make eye contact with your staff and use positive reformation. Most importantly, do not lose sight of the book; do not give up on the book. Do not quit. There will be days you want to pull your hair out and scream, and there will be days you do nothing and wonder how you could have gotten so ahead (or behind) but in the end; its worth it.
Carpenter: Next year’s editors, please be strong because this is hard work but in the end you’ll be so proud of all the hard work you and your staff had done even though it was stressful. Make the most out of it.

Hi! My name's Stephanie Brocato.
I have been on Cambia for two years! I design, edit photos and take photos.
I'm also in band, track and Winter Guard!