‘White Privilege’ and Other Controversial Remarks Regarding Ferguson
I’m going to launch right in here by saying that being a state senator (of any race) and saying what Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal did is completely inappropriate for the position they hold. This is not an opinion piece directed at any race or color, but rather it is directed at the fact that Chappelle-Nadal is being outright hurtful. All quotes taken from twitter and http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/01/04/missouri-lawmaker-faces-criticism-for-more-controversial-post-ferguson-remarks/
Let’s start this article off by reviewing remarks Chappelle-Nadal made on her Twitter account.
“LET ME BE CLEAR When you exercise your #WhitePrivilege, don’t think I’m not going to remember. I will use it for the future. Uncomfortable?”
This to me is a blatant use of a racist comment by a Missouri state senator. There is no call for this kind of language when talking about a place already so racially heated. It will only fuel the fires in Ferguson if she continues to make comments like this.
Yeah, if you couldn’t believe someone representing Missouri in the senate would say that, wait until you hear her next comment responding to Missouri State Gov. Jay Nixon.
On Twitter, Nixon posted this in response to the riots in Ferguson.
“[The] Situation in Ferguson does not represent who we are. [We] Must keep the peace, while safeguarding rights of citizens and the press.”
In response Chappelle-Nadal posted, “@GovJayNixon @DKSheets You don’t know s*** bc [Because] you never communicate. F-you, Governor!”
Chappelle-Nadal however spelt out all of the words I blanked out above.
This to me is outright ridiculous! These comments should never leave the mouth of a state senator! No matter the situation, it is one thing to cuss out someone in private but to be someone of senator status and to do it over social media? How is Chappelle-Nadal supposed to govern a district when she can’t even act correctly herself? Other comments came from the senator’s Twitter telling the governor to “get on his knees” along with more comments filled with profanity supposedly calling out the governor on his “BS.”
I went around Oak Park and tried to get other people’s opinion on whether it was acceptable for any state senator to cuss out a governor.
Senior Tiffany Grazda said, “Um no, I don’t feel that it is acceptable. I don’t think that they are taking their job very seriously, or representing their state very well. It’s just a very immature thing to do, especially over social media where everyone can see it.”
I asked senior Riley Rothwell if he thought Chappelle-Nadal was helping the situation in Ferguson by calling it a “race war?”
He said, “No, I think Ferguson is a powder keg, and nobody in a position of power should be stirring the pot.”
But the question still remains. Are there limits to what a state senator can say? There are unspoken rules on the senate floor, but is there anything being done about the use of profanity by our leaders over social media? Should there be anything done about the unrestricted use of profanity by our leaders? As a citizen, you expect your leaders to maintain certain standards, but is this what we want representing America?
Chappelle-Nadal is not the only government leader to use profanity, and she will not be the last. For example, on Jan 15th New York senator Tom O’Mara verbally attacked a person for questioning his views on Fracking. If you want to look up more about this guy go to http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/01/14/1357645/-NY-Pro-Fracking-Senator-s-Profanity-Laced-Tirade-Caught-on-Video#
In short, this is getting to the ridiculous point. And I personally feel that lawmakers are failing to address this unrestricted use of profanity by our government leaders. Something needs to be done soon, for we can’t have children running around in high offices pretending to be governors or Senators when they can’t even govern their own actions and emotions correctly.

Hi! My name's Connor Annan; and I am freshman at Oak Park High School.
It's my first year on the Log newsmagazine. I write stories.
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