Ferguson messy, sharing my thoughts
The Ferguson shooting was a really confusing event. And because it is so messy and biased I figured I should throw my opinion in there as well, but not before giving you the facts. The time line below shows what important events led up to and followed the shooting of Michael Brown.
Saturday Aug. 9
11:51 a.m. – A call comes in about a robbery at a Quick Trip.
12:01 p.m. – The officer encounters Michael Brown and a friend as they walk down a street. Brown is killed in the event that ensues.
Sunday Aug. 10
10 a.m. –Brown was unarmed according to police chief Joe Belmar. Belmar said Brown physically assaulted the officer, and during the fight between them, Brown reached for the officer’s gun. One shot was fired in the car followed by other gunshots outside of the car.
A candlelight vigil to honor Brown later turns violent. More than a dozen businesses are vandalized and looted. More than 30 people are arrested and two police officers suffered injuries.
Monday Aug. 11
5 a.m. – The first day of school in Jennings, near Ferguson, is canceled for the safety of students.
7 a.m. – Ferguson police said many death threats to the police force have been received in relation to the shooting.
10 a.m. – Hundreds gather outside the Ferguson’s police department. Police arrest seven people.
11 a.m. – The FBI announces the agency will do a, independent investigation into Brown’s death.
2 p.m. – St. Louis County Police Department announces it will release the name of the officer who shot Brown by noon Tuesday.
8 p.m. – Many people gather on West Florissant Avenue in Ferguson, and police use tear gas to disperse crowds that did not protest peacefully.
Tuesday Aug. 12
7 p.m. – Mo. Gov. Jay Nixon, the city of St. Louis mayor and other area leaders speak on the Brown case. At a separate public meeting, Rev. Al Sharpton and the Brown family urge a peaceful fight toward justice for Brown.
Wednesday Aug. 13
After a third night of protests, the City of Ferguson asked protests and vigils for Brown to be held in the day.
10 a.m. – A number of volunteers gather to help the city start to pick up the pieces after tense and violent episodes in prior days.
Thursday Aug. 14
6 a.m. – Police announce that 16 people have been arrested and two officers where injured during the fourth night of protesting.
11 a.m. – Nixon makes his first stop of many through Ferguson.
Friday Aug. 15
8:45 a.m. –Darren Wilson was named as the officer who shot Brown on Aug. 9, police chief Thomas Jackson said. The announcement comes three days after police originally said they would name the officer, fearing for the officer’s safety. The police chief also gave details about a strong-arm robbery at a local convenience store that took place moments before Wilson shot Brown. He did not connect Brown to the robbery during his news conference, but in police documents he released to reporters, Brown was named as a suspect.
Saturday Aug. 16
3 p.m. – Nixon issues a state of emergency for the Ferguson area and will impose a curfew until further notice.
Sunday Aug. 17
Early morning – Seven people were arrested and one person was shot as police and protesters fought once again in a haze of tear gas.
Evening – Protests now turned riots as police tried to impose a curfew for the second night. Police used tear gas on protesters after reporting that members of the crowd hurled Molotovs at officers.
Monday Aug. 18
2 a.m. – Nixon orders the National Guard to Ferguson after protesters shot at police, threw Molotov cocktails at officers, looted local businesses and carried out a “coordinated attempt” to block roads and overrun the police’s command center.
Thursday Aug. 21
Early morning – Ferguson enjoys a relative calm for the first time since Brown was killed on Aug. 9. By 12:30 a.m. local time, many of the 150 protesters who had paced back and forth Ferguson’s West Florissant Avenue had gone home.
I understand that Brown was shot multiple times, and it was really unnecessary. But he robbed a store! If someone were to rob your store you would want an officer to attack or arrest the man who robbed you right?
Really it just depends on what side of the law you are on as to what opinion you have.
Me, personally, Brown needed to be arrested. Do I think he needed to be shot six times, no. I think it was a quick overreaction that resulted in the death of Michel Brown.
Do I believe the officer should get punished by the law no, but he should not be getting paid vacation either. And though officer Darren Wilson was doing his job, he probably did not do it as well as he could have.
Informational source for the timeline is: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/08/14/michael-brown-ferguson-missouri-timeline/14051827/

Hi! My name's Connor Annan; and I am freshman at Oak Park High School.
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