Homecoming Powderpuff Delayed by Rain, Becomes Turkey Bowl

Powderpuff is a sport, also known as flag football — It was supposed to take place during homecoming day with all the weather, the plan did not go on. Until Student Council sponsor Bryan Edinger planned to take a day where the school could watch and cheer in November.

Which Team Will You Cheer for?

screen-shot-2016-11-21-at-5-14-03-pmThe senior team, the Mad Hatters, and the junior team, the Rabbits, will be rivals.

Junior Rachel Head will be participating in the powderpuff. She has been wanting to be a part of the game since freshman year. This will be her first year, “I was really bummed out [about the rain] especially the sport activities.”

Coaching the Players

Coach Josh Howard will be looking after the seniors. This will be his first year to coach this game.

“I’d like to have a practice this year. The seniors almost always win.”

This game might be a fun and silly game, there has been rivals against the juniors and seniors.